I was given a "moon-boot" and told to start putting a bit more weight on it over the next few weeks, and then start some physio. Hurray, I can take showers again!
It feels so much better now on Friday; I have put my whole weight on it a few times today, but only with the boot on. Without it hurts a lot. But I shall be so pleased when I can walk without crutches again, very frustrating not being able to carry stuff....

It has a lot of talk about what I call "creative flow", when you are "in the zone".When time disappears. It's really a wonderful feeling, one I like to keep going.
Until you get a phone call from school and your daughter asks if you are going to pick her up at all.....
This has happened a few times over the years (blush) At least they were safe!..
The book gets you to do these exercises, lots of writing things down. So I decided to make a journal to do that in, so I keep the "flow" going. I used an old cook book, this one had bound pages and was a good size. I pulled out half the pages and glued the left over pages together in pairs. Then gesso-ed everything, and started decorating with old papers and water soluble crayons etc.
So here 4 of my favourite pages. I actually finished the whole journal before I have started using it this time.

Strangely enough it turned into a weird little story about a girl being lost in the woods and then realizing she actually lived there and knew the way after all. I used text cut from a children's encyclopeadia from the 50's. The original had a different storyline, but you just put words together to make a new story.

And what are the odds of finding a monogrammed dressing-table coverlet, with my own initials on it??!!.... (I believe 1 in 676)
That's a hell of a foot, sis! I've found a matching one for you... check this out!
I'm hoping less people are laughing at your one though!
- Jack M
Oops, I did laugh! Did that get caught under a steam roller...!
Actually, it's Cupid's foot... but it's been used for other things too...
I'm sure you recognise it! :)
- Jack
Taa ra-ta-ra
ta ra-ta-ra
ta-ra ta-ra ta-ra
... I am even starting to look like a candidate for the ministry of funny walks.....
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