Enough cutting wood already! Time to visit some family in Napier. We all went to see my brother and sis-i-l and their wee boy.
There was some harvesting going on in their garden. My brother was in the avocado tree with an ingenious little gadget ; a little net with blades attached to an expandable pole. That way you can get to cut off fruit that is out of reach.
Here are some of the avocados, the tree has been having a hard time in the last year. We have had a few dry summers in a row, but this year was much better and it has brightened up a bit.
And some of the lemons are ready too. Always funny to see lemons in all different stages on the one tree, even flowers still.
The big old walnut tree is throwing down it's treasures as well.
My man is getting a check-up on his knee by our nephew, just like his mummy does on her patients. "All better!" And off he runs again.

It is nice to have family close by, just 15 minutes driving.
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