Thank goodness I have a part-time job, because we are not out of the woods yet.....
We unloaded all her belongings , and this took 4 people going back to the cars about 5 times, crossing a busy road, and squeezing past the other new students and their parents and their boxes. I started unpacking all her clothes and putting them away in her cupboard, so she wasn't stuck with a huge mess straight away. I then put her fresh bedlinen on her bed . I thought the colourful florals brightened up her room considerably. Only then was I ready to leave her to it....
After we all had sushi for lunch in the city we went our seperate ways.
Yes :I felt quite sad, and had to wipe away some tears. But I am allowed to!
But we have been ringing and texting lots , and she came home for a weekend , and is now home for a week for the Easter holidays.
That spare room has been really handy already; we had my fathers wife sleep there while he was in the hospital , I am storing some of the wool in there , it is a quiet place for my love to practice his guitar in , and I slept there myself when I had bronchitis a week ago.
Hehe, he kicked you out of your own bedroom when you were keeping him awake coughing? Priceless, sis... :)
- Jack M.
I go voluntary, thanks. He works hard! I don't want to wake him up....
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