It really is summer here. Even though we have had plenty of rain this time, we have also had some gorgeous days. This is one of those , we went to my favourite beach; Ocean Beach. No doubt there are many beaches in the world called Ocean Beach , but I think this one is the prettiest.
It is only a 20 minute drive through the hills to get there.
And in case you are wondering about the blue sky; that's real, I did not tweak these photos at all. Unfortunately we are quite close to the ozone hole here in NZ, and you'd better protect yourself against the sun, because you will burn within 15 minutes. We don't really go brown as I did when I was a child in Europe. You just go red. Ouch.

I love this story , and I already knew this story before I even migrated to New Zealand.

People are swimming between the flags , because we get rips, where you get pulled further out to sea.
Looking to my right, there is a tiny community of mostly holiday houses. I'd like to do that one day; rent a little bach for a week. A swim and a walk every morning. Read lots of books, easy meals, comfy chair, take my sketchbook and pastels......aaahh.......

Sorry, that is the only story I know about it. A bit sparse...
And the surf was just right on this day! Great for body surfing or with one of those little boogie-boards. Exhilarating to feel the waves crash against you and to zoom in front of them.

I must admit I do squeal if a particularly big wave hits. I may be 43, but in the surf I feel like I am 11 again. Good fun.
You should never lose that child-like feeling, otherwise I reckon you become a sour-puss and a fuddy-duddy!! And later, a bitter old lady....

Don't you just want to run in.......woohoo!!!
Still snowing is it in Europe? Or has the thaw set in , with all that brown sludge.....
Bad news, sis... using the word "fuddy-duddy" in a sentence means you are one... :)
- Your much younger brother Jack :)
Answer to Jack M. ;
And I say "PHAH!!" to that. I hope you still squeal in the waves....
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