I should be saying"Happy New Year", but we don't feel that way here at home. Our Mother and Mother-in-law and Oma passed away on Boxing Day. She had been sick with some complications caused by her leukaemia , from which she had been suffering a number of years. And we were due in Christchurch before Christmas , planned it months ago. But things took a turn for the worse and , instead of recovering and having her home for the festive days , we all had to say goodbye instead. I have known my mother-i.l. , or as I always thought of my other mum , since I was a girl of 19. She was a woman of tremendous hugs and a store of practical advice on anything from child rearing to technical weaving skills. She taught me sewing and felting and spinning , and how to chill out about worrying over not having a pristine clean house.
Because of some family members coming from the Netherlands, her funeral has been delayed, and we will have to return again to Chch. in the coming days.
Those days will be very intense.

I scored big at the op-shop when I found these cheery 70's sheets and matching pillowslips , all still in their original packaging. Each pack had 2 cotton sheets or slips each. So 6 cotton sheets and 6 pillowslips for the price of $15.
Both my Mums would have approved heartily...
My oldest daughter can take some with her when she goes to university in February. Very handy she likes retro.

I adore the little hedgehogs on this one.
Wat leuk dat je op mijn blog terecht bent gekomen!
Wat grappig zo via via.
Mooie dingen maak je van vilt. Dat lijkt me ook nog wel eens leuk om te gaan doen.
Nu als je wol nodig hebt om mee te vilten kan ik je er altijd aan helpen. We hebben hier zat in NZ!
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