"exquisitely gay social comedy..." Laugh out loud!
It was a very boring little story. I struggled to find anything funny, except as a looking back to that kind of writing-thing.
So I wrote a message to my girl about it. I just learned how to do this kind of writing on a little demo on Utube. I love little demos, fun to learn something new.

Be warned: the next lot of writing on the photos comes from my old diary, and is in Dutch. I will not be translating. Sorry.
Last month my family passed the 30 year anniversary of our immigration into New Zealand. I still believe that it is 1 of the best things that ever happened to me.
So here an extract of those last days of my other life, and the beginning of a new one. All from the viewpoint of my little 14 year old self.

It's so strange and funny to read about me and my family in your journal... I remember some pictures my mum once showed me, that we went on a boat before you left? Soon I'll be at my mum's for a few days, I will look for some pictures....
yes, that's right! My parents invited both sides of their family for a day cruise on the Frisian lakes. It was a beautiful day, all the cousins had great fun. The day ended at a restaurant on the shore, where everyone had a lovely meal. I remember I received a silver necklace with my name on it as a goodbye present, I still have it.
Happy Anniversary/Birthday!
I can remember the round trip on the big boat in Grou very well.... (I wore a white jumper :))And the last evening at oma's. I had to give Jaap a farewell kiss but I didn't want to being a normal 8-year old. Kissing your cousin, oh no!
Harry and me got calculators with our names inscribed on them (pretty flash for 1980!). I seemed to have lost mine somewhere in the last 30 years... maybe Harry still has his...?
Please don't look for the photos... I'm wearing a horrible little "Dr Livingston, I presume" outfit. Best forgotten. Trust me. :)
Hey, any chance of page 170 again, without the KLM-ticket covering your writing? It's fascinating! :)
Boy-cousin germs! eeeww...
See now I get details , because I couldn't remember that, or that it was in Grou.
Yeah, Jack. Page 170 had a small comment about how I caught the eye of a handsome Thai boy at the airport. That's why there is a plane ticket on it....
Typical you should say something. Surely you have already read my diary in the past some time. GGGrrrrrr.
Hmmm, I might dig up that photo of that handsome safari suit with you in it and post it. ;)
Wow, it seems that page 170 is more fascinating than I thought! No, I never read your diaries, actually... H. and me were always too busy getting our Action Men to do rude things to your Barbies whenever we snuck into your room... :)
Much more fun!
- Jack
Hahaha! Don't worry, they married. Lots of times actually. That white navy suit was just irresistable to Barbie. Although Sindy was quite jealous.
Hmm now where was that photo of your safari suit....
Hallo Ellen
ik ben via Benice haar blog bij jou terecht gekomen
wat leuk en wat maak jij mooie dingen
erg leuk om iets telezen uit je dag boek rond jullie vertrek
ik kan het me nog goed herrinner volgens mij waren jullie de laatste dagen in nederland bij ons of heb ik dat mis weet nog wel dat jullie allemaal nog in mijn poezie album hebben geschreven
ik weet nog van de rondvaart ben op de boot toen van een trap gevallen hebben we nog een mooie foto van een hard huilende hilda
groetjes daar in nieuw zeeland vast warmer dan hier vandaag gevoels temparatuur -14 BBBBrrrrrrr KOUD !!!!!!
Hallo Hilda, sorry dat ik zo lang nam om je comment te publiceren. Zo leuk ook van jouw te horen op mijn blog. Mijn dagboekje van toen is dus best wel interessant. (Vooral namens Jaap.)
Dit wordt nog een familie reunie....
Ik zal gauw weer een nieuwe blog posten. Ik heb het de laatste paar weken razend druk met craft markets ieder weekend en een vorse verkoudheid er boven op.
Love E.
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