Dare I show our girls busy at work with chores? I think so, it is so nice to see them earnestly doing their household jobs. Our youngest is enjoying cooking so now and then, and our eldest needs extra money, being a poor broke student. And yes you can see my mess in the background; piles of ancient books destined for ripping apart for use in art, and the piles of vintage fabrics. This is not a showhome....

This is a real home, one that got a new roof!
We think this house was built in 1937 and that was the original roof. Most houses here have corrugated iron . With a bit of builders' paper underneath it. We insulated it when we moved in 13 years ago, and the amount of birds' nests that were taken out this time obviously helped a lot for the warmth....!
Lots of wooden planking needed replacing as well. The roofers managed to do it in the 2 days that it did not rain. We are having a very wet winter.

It was a pretty noisy 2 days, and lots of dust came down in the living room where we have the original wooden slatted ceiling. But we were far too excited to let that bother us!

Here you can see why some of the wood needed replacing!! Rotten and worm holes.

And we are an old-fashioned family that still has family meals around the table most nights. No we can't see the t.v. from there very easily. Often friends join us, usually much hilarity is had when we have a table full of teenagers. Basically at a dutch table everyone dishes up themselves, that's why there are pans at the table, in case you are wondering.

Yup, it is that time of the evening: tummies full and a roaring fire. Fox in his box, Dana pretending she hadn't noticed she is actually touching De-ja-vu, and and he is trying to hog as much space as he can.
All is well with the world!
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