Apr 3, 2020

A Watercolour De-Stress Kit.

  ...So we are on the 9th day of lockdown and social distancing in New Zealand, due to the dreaded virus. I am getting used to having my hubby home all day. We've been going for walks (in our 2 people 'bubble') everyday, and doing bits and pieces around the house. The drain in the bathroom is draining again, the garden is starting to look like we have a gardener in the house, and his pile of 'to read' books has dwindled by 6 already. 
Today I took my courage and a mask, and did the groceries. Which I found anxiety producing...
Yesterday I wiped away those recurring feelings by making a watercolour de-stress kit for our Daughter.
I had recently been tidying and found a set of watercolour paint-tubes, that had belonged to my dear late friend N. I had also been looking at travel art-sets on Pinterest, and I put the 2 ideas together.
BUT what to put the paint into, what with all other shops closed except supermarkets and pharmacies. I found a vintage Strepsil tin, which much be pretty vintage, as I can not remember Strepsel lozenges in a tin. I emptied it of pins and buttons, it was still pretty clean. 
Then found another idea on Pinterest! A solution; metal self-cover buttons! 
Well as it happens, I have a shoebox full of those, every time I see them in an opshop I buy them, for making brooches with vintage embroideries.

vintage tin and vintage self-cover buttons.

Most of them were white plastic, but there were a few cards in the right size made of metal. I undid the shanks with some pliers, 12 little button covers fitted into the tin, perfect!
using E6000 glue 
 I used E6000 glue to attach the little cups into the tin. I always have that in the house, handy glue.
extracting the watercolour paint from the old tubes
 Extracting the paint was a bit more bothersome, as some had gone quite gluggy, lids needed soaking in order to loosen them, and other tubes had dried up. I took the cutter to those, opened the tube, and cut off a little slice to fit into a cup, stuck down with a little glue stick. Once the paint gets used the paint will stick by it self. With watercolours it doesn't matter if the paint has dried, it still works the same. Room was left for 3 extra colours that were not there, yellow-green, dark-blue and white. In the meantime you could mix those, or use extra water to lighten the hue.
adding the rest of requirements to the kit
Then I scoured my work-room for the rest of the kit. First a box to put it all in, this 1 had a magnetic side closure, and pretty flowers on it.
A bunch of different brushes to play with, black and white ink pens for doodling, a water misting pen to wet the paper with.
Some thick serviettes for cleaning excess paint, a stack of watercolour paper cut to a non-daunting size.
 From my stash of preserving jars 2 tiny glass jars that actually fitted into the box, a Youtube address of 'watercolour for beginners' tutorials, and the colour's sample card, which I waterproofed with sellotape.
(And in case you are worried, everything had been wiped down, and I kept washing my hands during making this kit.)
the kit fits into an old envelopeand notepaper box.
After I had done the groceries, -were I picked up a roll of medical paper tape, to make nice white edges around the painting, and to stop the wet paper from buckling-, my De-Stress Watercolour Kit was complete. And popped it into Daughter's letterbox.
I hope she'll play with mark making and colours.

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