Sep 30, 2012

Spring colour inside and out.

Spring is definitely here!
 A photo taken on my way to work, at last some bright sunshine. Hopefully a sign of warmer, drier  days to come.
Yes! Rrrrip it out!
 This horrid carpet has probably been lying here for 40 years. Super ugly!!
When I have a migraine, (and I've had 3 of the blasted things in the last month,) I actually have to shield my eyes because the pattern is just too much.
It was thankfully not glued down, but just nailed at the edges. Now we can see what we have been guessing is underneath it.
And look at the floor underneath!
 Wow... Wow! The original matai hardwood floor.
What were they thinking....
But very dark red, and that is the shellac coating that was used to seal the wood.

Look at that colour... 
The wallpaper is a fresh light blue with a green tint. Slightly minty.
It reminds me of an early summer morning at the beach. Or the colour of a songbirds' egg.
And I love love love it....

The light has changed in this room.
 It isn't finished yet, this workroom to be, but soon. Soon...

By the way that darkness in the other room you can see? It is an expanse of the same dark bricks, right up to the ceiling. See how it swallows up the light!
 I guess in the 70's they thought it was a stunning and modern feature.

Horrible bits hiding under the carpet.
 Some carpet needs to be kept in this room, because this part used to be a hallway, and they did terrible things to the floorboards; replaced it with pine particle-board and we can also feel concrete!
 At some later stage that will all be replaced by new carpet.

 And a last Spring greeting for you!

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