Dec 12, 2009

Market update.

Another gorgeous babydress with pants . And I'm definitely getting faster at sewing. Not as scared at making buttonholes anymore either.
This side is the best; so bright with contrasting colours!!! I left an opening for the elastic in the waist so Mums can adjust the tightness with just a knot in the elastic. My friends' good idea!
Boy , we made lots to sell!!! It was a lovely day and it was very busy. We made plenty of sales at our stall. It was good to introduce ourselves to interested people.
But we did not sell any little clothes , nor any of my friends own creations , although they were just beautiful. But it was her first time ever , and some things were simply worth more than was expected at a fair. N. felt a bit disappointed about it , but she was out there and got wonderful comments. And she did make money as well from our combined items.
This is my happy place!!! My old sewing machine , a husqvarna from 1973-ish. My muse overlooks everything. You can tell my hubbie has been busy too , with sanding the walls of the house. One of the things that needs regular maintenance over the years when you live in a wooden house in New Zealand.
Another close up shot of my felted beads. They look like lollies . I made bracelets from them combined with wooden beads. They all sold.
And so did these with the crocheted flowers , all in childrens' sizes.
Now for a laugh.
This is how you catch birds..... After the boss has thrown the old bread for the birds onto the lawn, you place yourself strategically and simply wait !

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