Saturday-morning pleasures. |
I like weekend mornings. Who doesn't? We wake up at a fairly early time these days, around 8 a.m. sometimes earlier. Must be our age, or maybe the birds singing...
Having a cuppa tea and toast with homemade jam, and a big glass of delicious raw organic milk (from a local farmers' cooperative), while enjoying the morning sun.. It's just the best!!
Fox thinks so too, and waits patiently until I'm not looking , so he can lick my milk! He is such a sneak sometimes.
Peonies. |
I am in love with peonies this Spring. I have found a dairy that has a big bucket outside, full of peonies in bud for $2 or even $1 each. And they last really well. Luckily I have just purchased the perfect vintage vase for it the other week. In a matt soft green ceramic, glazed inside with butter-yellow.
Frothy Pinks. |
Thousands of petals in huggable pinks. They just look unreal!
Little vintage purchases. |
3 Weeks ago however we did not have an easy morning, instead my man woke me and our eldest girl at 3 a.m. We hopped into the car and drove to Wellington for another stall at the Newtown Fabricabrac.It was super busy, and I sold lots of fabrics and replenished my savings somewhat.
It was a great excuse to get away from it all for a weekend, and for my hubbie to have a break from the bathroom for a weekend. We stayed the night at a cheap B&B. Our daughter caught up with her friends and couch-surfed for a night.
Yes I did buy a few items, but was fairly restrained. Which , believe me, is very difficult when surrounded by vintage fabric and notions.
I bought the ballerina tapestry, she is actually very ugly, and looks like Pop-eye's wife Olive Oil. ($1)
A string of flower buttons ($1) and a lovely roses sampler (50ct) and a bunch of vintage belt buckles for making brooches ($6).
Speaking of making; I have been updating my little shops on the web, (see top right)
and have also had a very successful market stall at the big Rudolf Steiner School Fair last weekend.
My stock is starting to get low!
I love you, Pip Studio Cup... |
Ooh, and then on Saturday afternoon we popped into Cuba Street and there I found a
Pip-studio cup all the way from Holland! Recognised it straight away and chose the prettiest one:
Total Impulse Buy!!
And it wasn't even cheap...
No I'm not telling!
Sweet Tweets. |
Those little birdies are on a raised medallion, 3 different ones. Pretty pretty pretty..
Homemade cheese! |
Brie update: It turned out really good, soft and creamy, with a good brie smell.
I'm amazed; I made cheese!
Homemade shelves! |
This is kind of how our bathroom will look, with recycled rimu shelves and green glass basins. The rimu planks looked like absolute rubbish when the Man bought them from some-one in the neighbourhood. But after loving care, sanding and oiling them 7 times by now, they glow!
He's so clever...
Slick and Stylish. |
All the tiles are now up on the wall, and this weekend they will be grouted. I am getting excited to think we might have a working bathroom by Christmas!!
Thank Goodness we still have another shower in the house...